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Society of African Journal Editors (SAJE) LIBRARY

About SAJE

The SAJE Library is dedicated to African journals and it currently contains over 140,000 articles from 830 African Journals; thus, making the library one of the largest collections of African articles and journals. Our goal is to create a central portal that index all articles published by African journals in a single database that is available to everyone. Therefore, African journals and articles will no longer be at the periphery of scholarly communication.

The Society of African Journal Editors is a society made up of Editors of African Journals. The idea for an association that will bring together African journal editors to promote African journals was first mooted in 2002 by Prof. Ruth Oniang'o, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND). Prof. Oniang'o's initiative and that of other African editors led to the establishment of the Society of African Journal Editors (SAJE) in 2004. SAJE is a bold idea by African research editors to have some control over the promotion of journals published on the African continent. Furthermore, it is now widely recognized that African universities and institutes need vibrant research journals to publish and promote their research outputs as well as their reviews and opinions.

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