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Author Guidelines


The managing editor,
African Journal of Health Economics
Department of Health Administration and Management
Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology
College of Medicine, University of Nigeria


AJHE receives manuscripts of the following forms: original research articles, review papers, methods articles, perspective, and letters to the editor. Manuscripts that have a public health focus must sufficiently address health economics and/or health policy implications of the findings of the article to be considered for publication. Those focussing on health policy analysis must provide relevant bodies of theory on which the reviews are based. Where none exists, sufficient justification for not presenting such must be provided.

Authors should note that AJHE addresses a range of international readerships including policymakers at national and international levels, program managers, academics, public health practitioners, and other readers interested in the application of health economics and policies, especially in African countries. It also provides information about such areas of interest to the broader international community that are involved in financial and technical assistance to various countries in Africa. It is therefore expected that submissions must have a high overall quality acceptable in an international journal. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not meet such standards.

The AJHE operates a peer review system and currently receives articles that must be submitted through the editorial office email. The process of review is as follows:

  • Following submission, the corresponding author receives an email notification of the receipt of his article and the article is assigned a number.
  • The manuscript will undergo an initial review by the editors to ensure they comply with requirements for the journal and that they are relevant to the readers of the journal. Authors of manuscripts not acceptable at this stage are informed of the decision of the editors. The editors reserve the right to consider an article unsuitable for publication and such decisions are final and will not warrant any other correspondence. Articles considered suitable but which do not follow the journal format may also be returned to the authors for modifications before being sent for further review.
  •  Manuscripts that go through the editorial review are sent to at least two reviewers for detailed assessment.
  • Authors are notified of the decision of reviewers. These may involve an acceptance of the article with or without minor or major revisions, or rejection of the article. Once such decisions are made, the corresponding author will receive the appropriate notification.
  • Accepted articles with corrections are sent to corresponding authors who have a maximum period of 3 weeks to respond to reviewers’ comments and are expected to return the corrected manuscript with the responses, for further review and acceptance. Authors will be notified as soon as the article is published.

A person is included as an author only if he/she has made substantive contributions to a published study. It is essential that authors fulfill the criteria for authorship for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals ( ). Specifically, those included as authors should have contributed to at least one of the following: conception of the study, development of study protocols, execution of the work, data analysis, and interpretation. Additionally, all authors must have contributed to the writing of the manuscript and must have approved the final version of the manuscript. It is important to include those who were part of the study and who met the above criteria as authors as conflicts of interest may arise which are embarrassing and for which the editors would bear no responsibility for their outcomes.

Manuscripts should be submitted in English with care taken to ensure the correctness of grammar and spelling. All submissions must be double-line spaced and have a margin of at least 2cm all around. Illustrations and tables must be on separate pages, and not be incorporated into the text. Manuscript files must be in the form of Microsoft office (1997-2003 but not 2007), MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, and jpeg (for pictures). All other formats are not acceptable at this time. Manuscripts should generally meet the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (available at:

Manuscript form


Word Count


Original Research Articles

Original articles that discuss findings of research in the areas of interest to the journal are considered. The index research must have sound and explicitly communicated methodology and should provide information of interest to the journal readers.

Up to 3500

No more than 40


An authoritative account of an aspect of health economics and policy relevant to the African region. A review should provide readers with information about topics of current interest or issues that are emerging in International Health and relevant to health economics and policy practice in the African regions.

Up to 2000

No more than 40

Methods Articles

Well-structured and highly analytic papers on methodologies in health economics and policy research with emphasis on relevance to the African region, or critical analysis of such will be considered.

Up to 2000

No more than 10


Perspectives on issues of relevance to health economics and policy discussions and of great importance to health policy and systems in a wide range of countries in the African region will be considered.

Up to 750

No more than 4

Letter to the Editor

Letters that address issues raised by articles published by the journal will be given preference.


No more than 4

Title page: This should be concise and informative and should include: a) Manuscript title (not exceeding 20 words), b) Authors' details (full names, academic degrees, and affiliations and email addresses); c) correspondence details (name and address to be used, fax number, telephone number, and e-mail address); d) keywords or phrases (3-6); e) Manuscript form (Original research article, Review, Methods article, Perspectives, Letter to the Editor).

Abstract: This should be structured and must not exceed 250 words. Abstracts should include the following sections: background, methods, findings, and conclusion(s). Abstracts should not include references and the use of abbreviations should be limited. Abstracts should appropriately reflect the contents of the text.

Text: This should include: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion(s).

Author contributions: Contributions made by included authors should be specified. Authors’ initials rather than full names should be used to identify authors here.

Conflict of interest: Any conflicts of interest amongst the authors/contributors, and any related to the funding agencies or institutions must be described. Any direct or indirect financial interest, issues that might potentially bias the study, reported findings, conclusions or implications, or conflicts related to academic competition due to the authorship must be described where they exist. Where none exists, the authors should enter ‘None declared’ against this section.

Funding: Sources of funding for the study or the writing up of the manuscript should be declared and if none has been received authors should enter ‘None’ against this section.

Acknowledgment: If any. Contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship could be acknowledged.

References: References should follow the format for VANCOUVER referencing (see The first six authors of work should be named, and where there are more than six authors, the six should be followed by “et al.” Articles not adhering to this format will be returned to authors. Bibliographic software such are ENDNOTE can be used. References should not include submitted papers that have not yet been accepted for publication. Typical examples of references are as follows:

Journal articles

  1. Culyer AJ, Wagstaff A. Equity and equality in health and health care. Journal of Health Economics. 1993;12(1):431-57.
  2. De Allegri M, Kouyate B, Becher H, Gbangou A, Pokhrel S, Sanon M, et al. Understanding enrolment in community health insurance in sub-Saharan Africa: a population-based case-control study in rural Burkina Faso. Bull World Health Organ. 2006 Nov;84(11):852-8.

Entire Book

  1. Billoski TV. Introduction to Paleontology. 6th ed. New York: Institutional Press; 1992.


Book section/chapter

  1. Schwartz MT, Billoski TV. Greenhouse hypothesis: effect on dinosaur extinction. In: Jones BT, Lovecraft NV, editors. Extinction. New York: Barnes and Ellis; 1990. p. 175-89.

Tables and Figures: These should be properly labeled in a way that is easily understood. They should be presented with their titles at the end of the text and not incorporated or embedded into it. However, the text should include the legend (example table 1, figure 1) in the appropriate locations for all the included tables and figures.

Colours: Where figures or pictures are prepared in colour to enhance their understanding, they may be reproduced in the journal without additional charges but this will be at the discretion of the editors.

Copyright: Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original, must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, they should not have been previously published (except as an abstract or preliminary report). Articles that have been accepted for publication must not be published elsewhere without the consent of the AJHE editorial board.

Ethical considerations: A manuscript describing the results of research that has involved human subjects must contain clear statements indicating whether and where ethical approval has been obtained. It is expected that such studies would have obtained approval from relevant ethical institutions and that informed consent was also obtained from the participants or their legal guardians (for minors).


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Society of African Journal Editors (SAJE) LIBRARY

About SAJE

The SAJE Library is dedicated to African journals and it currently contains over 140,000 articles from 830 African Journals; thus, making the library one of the largest collections of African articles and journals. Our goal is to create a central portal that index all articles published by African journals in a single database that is available to everyone. Therefore, African journals and articles will no longer be at the periphery of scholarly communication.

The Society of African Journal Editors is a society made up of Editors of African Journals. The idea for an association that will bring together African journal editors to promote African journals was first mooted in 2002 by Prof. Ruth Oniang'o, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND). Prof. Oniang'o's initiative and that of other African editors led to the establishment of the Society of African Journal Editors (SAJE) in 2004. SAJE is a bold idea by African research editors to have some control over the promotion of journals published on the African continent. Furthermore, it is now widely recognized that African universities and institutes need vibrant research journals to publish and promote their research outputs as well as their reviews and opinions.

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