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      <JournalTitle>African Journal of Health Economics</JournalTitle>
      <Volume-Issue>Volume 8 Issue 1</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>June 2019</Season>
      <ArticleType>Review &amp; Research</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Predictors of Antenatal Care Utilization in Primary Healthcare Centers in Eight Rural Communities in Delta State, Nigeria.</ArticleTitle>
          <FirstName>Rolle R.</FirstName>
          <FirstName>Iseghohi Judith</FirstName>
      <Abstract>Background: We examined the socio-demographic factors that influence early timing and an adequate number of ANC visits in Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCs) in eight randomly selected rural communities in Ughelli North Local Government Area (LGA), Delta State, Southern Nigeria.&#13;
Methods: The study was a cross-sectional household survey that enlisted 900 women within the reproductive ages. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. Extracted data were analyzed with Stata version 13.0 for windows. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were conducted.&#13;
Findings: The results revealed that 53.1% of the women with recent birth utilized ANC in PHCs. Predictive factors for early ANC visits in PHCs were employment status of women [aOR: 19.15, __ampersandsignrho; =0.04], prior experience with pregnancy-related complications [aOR: 638.95, __ampersandsignrho; = 0.00], walking for at least 60 minutes to the nearest health center [aOR: 0.11, __ampersandsignrho; = 0.02] and at least five births [aOR: 8.35, __ampersandsignrho; = 0.04]. Predictive factors for a minimum of four ANC visits in PHCs were walking for at least 60 minutes to the nearest health center [aOR: 0.001, __ampersandsignrho; = 0.00], rating quality of care in the nearest health center as good [aOR: 26.78, __ampersandsignrho; = 0.00] and excellent [aOR: 1,527.95, __ampersandsignrho; = 0.00], and reporting at least secondary educational qualification [aOR: 10.47, __ampersandsignrho; = 0.07]. The odds for making early ANC visits [aOR: 0.09, __ampersandsignrho; = 0.00] and a minimum of four ANC visits in PHCs [aOR: 0.24, __ampersandsignrho; = 0.05] were respectively 91% and 76% significantly less likely for respondents drawn from set of communities without PHCs in reference to those from set of communities with PHCs.&#13;
Conclusion: Intervention programmes designed to improve women__ampersandsign#39;s access to PHCs should address distance barriers, improve quality of care and expand education opportunities for women in the study area.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Predictors, Antenatal care, Utilization, Primary Healthcare Centers, Rural communities, Delta State, Nigeria.</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://ajhe.org.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=6441&amp;title=Predictors of Antenatal Care Utilization in Primary Healthcare Centers in Eight Rural Communities in Delta State, Nigeria.</Abstract>
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